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How Can I Setup A VPN On My Motorola Router?

In this digital era privacy and security is main concern of every individual that’s why people prefer using VPN. If you don’t know what VPN is then here in this article you will get to know about it and also about the VPN enabling for Motorola router setup. Virtual private network is essential aspect of security and is really important. With the support of VPN you can have a protected and encoded network joining amongst your devices. VPN ensures the privacy and protect your data.


CHECK ROUTER COMPATIBILITY- To check whether your Motorola device is compatible with the VPN service or not you must check the manual book or visit Motorola’s website because not all the routers are VPN supported models. On the website check the firmware update or related features so the VPN can be setup. If your router is not compatible then you can make it compatible by downloading the VPN software on your device.


SELECT RIGHT VPN- Before diving into the process you must do some research on it and after analysing its aspects like pricing, locations, features and popularity choose the right one. After selecting one you have to contact its service provide to get the more details and setup knowledge.

WEB INTERFACE ACCESS- The first step for this process is you need to access the web interface on router and on your device also. Then you need to link them through an ethernet cable or link them with wifi. Exposed the browser and fill in the IP detail of your Motorola router that is It will yield you to the login page where you partake to fill in your login details. If you have not changed the default details then use them.

FIRMWARE UPDATE AND VPN SETTING- For VPN setup it is necessary to update your firmware version. You must have the access to the latest version of firmware so that your VPN setup can go smooth and errorless. If you don’t know how to update it then either check your router’s manual or use the Motorola’s web interface.

VPN SETTINGS- After updating the firmware you have to navigate to the setting section of VPN with router’s interface. Squared whether the VPN is incapacitated or enable, if it is inactivated then permit it. The name of this VPN section can be different based on your Motorola router but it must consist VPN in it.

CHOOSE THE VPN PROVIDER- Get the access of configuration of VPN that is necessary for the setup and you can get this from your VPN service provider. This will include its address, password, username and additional details for the setup.

VPN SETUP- After gaining the access of all necessary details of your router and VPN open the settings. Enter the details in the accurate fields to setup the connection and link them both. You have to enter the encrypted details and protocol as well.

If the settings are done then save them and exist. It is time to check this protection layer and for this connect your device with routers network that is accessed through VPN. Check by verifying your IP address and confirm whether router’s internet is secure or not.


To enhance the privacy and security of your network enabling the VPN is really important. Get in touch with for further assistance related to VPN setting and access.