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How Do I Log Into Motorola Configuration Manager​?

How Do I Log Into Motorola Configuration Manager?

To empower the users to customise and optimise the network settings Motorola configuration manger is necessary and with this you can also manage your devices by getting the smooth access of your wifi network. To fine tune the network setup Motorola configuration manager works like a gateway. This blog will help you in configuring Motorola configuration manger with easy-to-follow instructions and steps.

Get the access of required details
To execute this configuration process, you must have the IP address of Motorola router setup and access of its login details, if you have changed its default settings then you have to use the updated one.


Access the web interface
Open the browser of your device because the Motorola’s configuration manager can only be accessed through web interface and you don’t need to download any additional software for it.

Access its login page
Put in the IP address of Motorola in the web browser’s address field and press enter, the login page will appear.

Execute the login
Fill in the right details of login credentials in the required fields and recheck them before submission. (If you have not changed the default login details then its highly recommended to change them because it can be harmful for your safe access)

Search the configuration manager option
When you get logged in successfully search for the configuration manager and after finding it click on it. You will see the various settings, configuration options that you can use to personalized your device.

Customise the settings
With the help of Motorola configuration manager, you can access the network settings, wireless settings, security settings and can also do the device management with system diagnostics.


  • You can adjust the IP addresses, subnet masks, change the gateway setting according to network topology with network settings.
  • Setting the security protocols, changing the SSID network details and configuration of wifi networks and their access control can be done through wireless settings.
  • Firewall rules, port forwarding, access control, these options can be configured with security settings.
  • With device management you can monitor the status of device that includes firmware updates and connection with other devices.
  • With system diagnostics you can troubleshoot the device or network issue, can view the logs and diagnose them to safeguard the optimal system performance.

Save the changes
If you won’t save the changes you have made, they will not be applicable so make sure to save the changes.

This step is also mandatory to apply the changes and this will also protect your network from unauthorised access.

Final thoughts

With these steps you can easily log in to Motorola configuration manager and make your network and device access more secure. If you face any difficulty while doing this process then you can ask for our professionally trained expert team’s help to get out of this issue with effective and rapid solution.